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Top Social Media Apps for your SmartPhone

Top Social Media Apps for SmartPhone

As the popularity of social media continues to grow, it’s the mobile platform that really allows us to explore the full potential of staying connected wherever we go. If you’ve got a smartphone then the world is your oyster, no matter if you’re someone who needs to do a daily blog complete with images and video or if you’re simply sending the occasional Tweet.

Although screen sizes have been growing on smartphones of late, they’re still not always the best places to be tapping a virtual keyboard in order to post a lengthy update or blog post. However, with apps getting ever better and often managing to shrink down a conventional user interface into a very manageable portable version, you’re faced with plenty to help you stay productive on the go.

Apps to Get

If you’re interested in building a blog, for example, from the ground up then WordPress is still hard to beat in the respect that it is quick and easy to use. It also features a wealth of options that can streamline the process, so if you’re tight for time, then this app will minimise the work involved in creating pages. Content can then be updated on the move with even the smallest working area on any kind of smartphone.

Staying on top of things is another area where the busy blogger needs to keep tabs on activities, so a calendar style app is always a boon to productivity. Check out something like the Awesome Note app, which enables you to produce crisp and clear visually-driven calendars that can show your proposed publication dates and also highlight any memorable events that need to be covered with an up to the minute blog or timely social networking post.

Meanwhile, while most of us want to use Facebook and Twitter on our smartphones, some of the more generic versions leave a little bit to be desired. In that respect, it’s well worth taking a peek at HooteSuite , which is a big hit with many social media types already and, once you start using it, that’s easy to see why. There’s a simple but effective interface that can keep you bang up to date with recent Tweets from those you are following, along with allowing you to post your own thoughts too.

RSS feeds are a great source of information, but they can be overwhelming if you have a lot of them to keep an eye on. Something like the Feeddler RSS Reader for the iPhone will give you the edge when looking for the latest news and information because it works in such a fuss-free fashion. However, there are plenty of variations on the theme, not only or the iPhone but for Android devices too.

If you’ve got a blog or similar style social networking outlet online then it’s also a great idea to make sure that you know what sot of traffic you’re getting. So the next step is to get an app that can cover all bases on that front, so check out Google Analytics via something like the BAM Analytics Pro app. This is a powerful piece of software that gives a really good visual overview of facts and figures, all of which you can drill down into to see more specific data.

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