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4 Effective ways to promote your blog posts with Twitter

4 Effective ways to promote your blog posts with Twitter

You have made a great post. But is it enough to bring a high amount of traffic to your site ? Certainly, not. You have to promote it via social media, email newsletters, forums etc.

Twitter is one of the most effective ways to promote your posts.It is easy to use and ranked as one of the ten-most-visited websites by Alexa.com analysis. There are several ways to promote your contents with Twitter.

1) Tweets

Retweets by Tweet Frequency

Twitter has a wide range of audience around the world and of course, they all can’t come online at the same time. So you need to tweet your links at multiple times. And posting in peak hours, especially inafternoon time like 2.30pm, 3.30 or evening time like 7.30 pm, 8.30 etc will drive more traffic compared to normal hours in Twitter.

2) Mentioning  people and brands

Mentioning is another way to improve your blog traffic.On Twitter, you can mention anyone regardless of whether they are following you. You should type their name by following @.

Imagine, if you are posting some latest arrival in the smart phone market, then mentioning smart phone related communities or shopping sites will drive more traffic to your blog.

3) Tweetchat


Tweetchat is a free application that allows you to easily post, monitor and promote contents. You can feature aperson you like or block spammers.

Hashtags identify specific topics and those hashtags allow TweetChat to connect you with people talking about similar things. Choosing a hashtag directs you to a TweetChat room.

Sign in with your Twitter account, then search for the suitable hashtags to follow and post.

4) Twitter cards

Twitter Cards help you richly represent your content within Tweets across the web and on mobile devices. Itallows you to attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your web pages, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers.

Benefits :

  • Give you control of how your content is displayed with Tweets
  • Drive traffic to your site
  • Increase the number of people following your Twitter accounts through content attribution

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