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Work Smarter, not Harder with PDF to Word Converter

Work Smarter, not Harder with PDF to Word Converter

Uprise of technology helps us learn more than before, but now we also have more time for learning because much work can be outsourced to nonother than our smartphones. You have an instant connection to your family, partners, co-workers and business clients using only your smartphone. Latest news, emails and other useful stuff are at the tip of your finger.

All your important documents, business contracts and personal sensitive information are safely kept on a cloud or your device, and you can access them anytime, from any place. Smartphones have become the modern-day briefcase, where all the significant documents are stored in one place. What you should know about these documents is that they are all stored as digital documents that fall into different file types like images, Word documents, Excel tables, PDFs, audio and video files. But we would like to focus only on Word and PDF documents, as the most used ones in the business environment and to show you how to work with them more efficiently.

Word Documents vs PDF documents

Word documents are made by word processors and they are convenient for creating and editing text documents. There are many different kind of word processors for smartphones like Polaris Office, MS Word, Pages, WPS Office, etc. Opening the same file in different apps will change its look in each of these apps.

Instead, people tend to use PDF as the best document for sharing because it will look the same on every device, OS or different app. On the other hand, PDFs can’t be facilely edited, as Word documents can. So they leave you with one of two options, to retype the document from scratch or to use some handy app like PDF to Word Converter.

What is PDF to Word Converter 

PDF to Word Converter is an app that can convert any kind of PDF, scanned or regular, to editable Word document, either using your iOS or Android smartphone. This app allows you to overcome the problem of non-editable PDF and avoid the unnecessary hustle of retyping the document from  scratch. When you convert the file to Word document, then you can make the changes to a file, using only your phone.

How can PDF to Word Converter help you 

With PDF to Word Converter app, you can access all of your files in one place. When you enter the app, you will see the two options for conversion. Either searching the file on your device or searching for the file on the iCloud, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Gmail attachments. Now you can simply convert any document wherever you are and also free up some of your phone’s memory in the process.

For instance, conversion through the Gmail attachments feature can help you with finding the file you want without searching through every email in your inbox. Instead, you will find only the files that are available for conversion, without downloading them first. Same goes for cloud services, as well.

Likewise, if you are using a lot the scanning apps to make PDF documents by taking a picture, you would be happy to hear that PDF to Word Converter can convert those PDFs too. The OCR feature allows extraction of text from the scanned PDFs. As a result, you can combine these apps to maximize your efficiency with handling documents, while being away from the computer or you desktop scanner.


Smartphones can help us in many ways, naturally, if they are used properly. While some things still need to be done the old-fashioned way, there are many tasks that are performed without a hitch over the phone. With PDF to Word Converter, you can use your time smarter, using your phone to handle your documents. Other than easy conversion, PDF to Word Converter allows you to enter all your files in one place, making you always prepared for the unplanned situation.

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