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iOS Jailbreak Tweak: Beneficial Tools

iOS Jailbreak Tweak Beneficial Tools

iOS devices are well-known for its high quality functions and features. These gadgets are loaded with some incredible characteristics which help you to utilize the power of the available operating system. However most of the users know that we can further enhance the power of these devices if we get the right source of receiving the iOS jailbreaks. It further enhances the power of the gadget which can be extremely beneficial when we start using it. Most of the people want jailbreak for different reasons. Some people want it to get a fresh display while others like it for using iOS in a complete new manner. Here we are talking about some jailbreak tweaks for jailbroken devices. It can give you some idea to enjoy the real power of the device.

Activator: – This is one of the most important tweak which you should not miss if you love using iOS devices. This tweak is the first thing you may require to utilize many other tweaks. Most of the other tweaks will work without giving you any issue. Therefore we can expect a smooth working of the gadget with this tweak. The name itself tells a lot about this tweak. A simple gesture can help you to start using Activator. Different gesture can be assigned for different work which is highly supportive. You can also choose where you want to activate this function.

PauseAfterCall: This tweak is useful to control your favourite music with ease. Many times we get the call while playing music. Now many among us like to unplug the headphone to receive the call. Isn’t it? Once the call ends then the music will start automatically which we may not like. PauseAfterCall will make sure that the music doesn’t start till you plug the headphone once again. This is certainly very useful.

AirPlane Enhancer: – There are so many people who like using AirPlane Mode frequently. Reason may vary from one user to another. Now this mode have its own limits which we may like to avoid as much as possible. AirPlane Enhancer will help you to avoid the limits of AirPlane mode. Therefore it will surely assist you to use the gadget with ease.

FVideo: – If you are interested in a particular Facebook video then FVideo can be one of the best tools for you here. You can download any video comfortably. Install FVideo through BigBoss repo. It will be valuable to collect the right content as per your need.

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