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Whatsapp to Get New Font Soon

Whatsapp to Get New Font Soon

Whatsapp has not only added many new functions this year but they also did a lot of work to give a new look to the platform. Now according to some latest reports Whatsapp is looking to add a new font soon. Currently they are testing this font on the new Beta platform which is available for iOS as well as Android. Currently it is not clear when this new font will be available for all the users as company is still doing some tests to remove any doubt. This new font is looking very similar to ‘FixedSys’ by Microsoft.

Whatsapp v2.16.179 beta for Android is the part where users can check this font. It is also available for iOS users. Users can check this font very easily here. Users have to add (`) symbol three times to type that particular phrase or word with this new font. Once you include the text in this symbol then you can get the new font. Preview is also available here. It will assist the user to check the data thoroughly before sending it. However there is no Italic or Bold option available here right now.

Currently the font is available for Beta program of Whatsapp. Therefore it is the reason that users have to add the text within three grave accent symbol (`). It is almost certain that users need not have to add this symbol once the stable version arrives for the users. This the third major change by Whatsapp within a short span of time. Recently company included ‘group invite links’ as well as ‘mentions’. However they are still not available for stable version. Recently we discussed with you how ‘mentions’ can be beneficial to grab the attention of a specific person in a group chat. We also talked about ‘group invite links’ to add a particular user to a group.

The intentions of Whatsapp are very clear. They are aware of the increasing popularity of other chat platforms. So they are looking to include new features which can help them to stay ahead into the market. Many other functions are the part of Beta programs of Whatsapp. Therefore we may see many new changes here in coming times. Here we are giving you an example of this new font. Suppose you are looking to send ‘Hello’ to a particular user in new font. You just have to type “`Hello“` and you will get it in new font. The feature may available soon in stable version also.

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