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YouTube is rolling out Incognito Mode on Android App

YouTube is rolling out Incognito Mode on Android App

YouTube is now ready to bring a feature which many people are waiting for a long time. This new feature will help them to manage their browsing history more effectively. You may already know that you get the recommendations on YouTube and some other platforms based on your browsing history. Many times we do not need those recommendations because we already know what we want from the internet. Now, this new feature will help you to protect this history to keep you away from unwanted recommendations. YouTube is now rolling out Incognito mode which will work very similar to the Incognito mode available in Google Chrome.

Many users have already received this new update. If you have not received this update then you will receive it very soon. Google was doing some tests from May and now they are ready to roll out Incognito mode on YouTube for all the users. There will a “Turn on Incognito” located on your account avatar. If you are interested to utilize this mode then you can use it by simply tapping the mode. Have you used the Incognito Mode on Google Chrome? If you have used it then you can easily recognize this feature on YouTube. It will keep the browsing history protected from unwanted links.

If you have tapped the “Turn on Incognito” mode, your avatar is going to be replaced with an incognito icon. This icon will stay until you are using this mode. The design of the incognito section is such that you can easily differentiate it with the regular mode. A think and the black line will remind you about Incognito mode. This line will clearly give you the hint that you are using this mode. The functions are akin to Google Chrome Incognito mode. The search activities and links will be removed once you exit this mode. Here we would like to clarify that if you are using Incognito mode, it does not mean that your activities are completely hidden. Your internet service provider, government authorities, and employers would be able to access the information.

There are certain points which are important to keep in mind while using Incognito mode on YouTube. If you are using this mode then you will not have the option of saving the videos. The newest trending portions will be there to provide you with all the information but subscriptions, Library and inbox will not work normally like before. You can download the latest version 13.25.56 of YouTube app from Play Store as soon as you get the update.

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