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Mailburn – Application That Turns Your Gmail In WhatsApp

Mailburn - Application That Turns Your Gmail In WhatsApp

Have you ever thought how to organize all your important emails without having to spend much time and go straight to the main subject? All the best things is in this post? yes, it’s possible. How? well! Read it out.

So, that’s now possible, thanks to a new app Mailburn – which aims to eliminate distractions and the time that we lose seeing and organizing all the messages, transforming your emails in chat conversations, just as today up with the WhatsApp – which is very handy and easy.

The idea of the app is to take the front all those unnecessary information, as well as those long messages that came along with an important email, you know? For example, copies of old messages, paragraphs on privacy, signatures, etc., – and just show what really matters in the message.

How It Work?

But and how it works? It’s that simple! Once you download the app, it will create from your account with Gmail, a messaging interface instant, allowing your communication becomes more natural and fast!

I read that the sending and response system is very similar to the Whatsapp has to contact list, sending and viewing files, groups, and so on. You can even let you know if your message has been received and displayed.

Extra Features of Mailburn

And that’s not all! The Mailburn also does away with that thing to talk about work through other messaging features, such as chats: the Whatsapp, the Gmail and even the Facebook, just to concentrate all in one place.

It seems the app is another alternative to help the productivity of people with the resources of a standard e-mail, after all, is increasing the number of chat services because of quickly and easily.

Guys, Mailburn is available for free for the IPhone, for now. Maybe it does not run on Android in a few days. So hurry up.

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