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How To Get Inspired For Web Design

How To Get Inspired For Web Design

Whether you are an experienced web designer or are just beginning to build your first website, finding the inspiration to come up with something creative that will capture people’s attention is not an easy thing to do.
Thankfully, the range of guidance available means that your mind won’t be occupying a dark place for very long, and your creative juices will soon be flowing as you put together a great looking piece of work.
We looked at some of the best places to find inspiration for web design, and at how you can use them to begin putting your own site together, whether it is your first or your fiftieth.

Start Offline

Most of us, quite understandably, will try to find web design ideas by looking online. However, like trying on cheap fragrance, if you look for long enough everything will start to look the same. Unglue your eyes away from the screen and try to take a different approach.
Take a walk down to the park, or go and sit by the river with a sketchpad. It is amazing how often we have great ideas at the most random of times, but never anything to write them down on. You will probably get five or six ideas just by sitting staring into the distance, or watching people go about their business.
Cleansing your mind is often the best way to prepare for being creative.
If that doesn’t work, however, then you have our blessing to go down the more ‘traditional’ route.

Find Sites You Love

While you wouldn’t want to become a web designer who is known for shamelessly ripping off the ideas of other people, finding the websites that you admire the most is a great way to inspire yourself to a top design.
Perhaps you could challenge yourself to come up with something even better than your favourite site, or take each element and give it your own twist.
Naturally, you can also find the sites that you dislike, and ensure that they are always in your thoughts as you put your own design together, so that you avoid the common pitfalls that are often easy to fall into.

Seek Out New Trends

One of the big things in web design right now is coming up with something unique that stands out above the competition. The best way to do that is to discover all of the hot current and future trends that are going to be seen in web design circles, and then see how many of them you can get into your own build.
Remember, however, that different sites will have different requirements, and that incorporating every exciting new idea you stumble across is likely to make your site unappealing and a little over the top.
If the inspiration for web design is escaping you, don’t worry about it. Take the time to clear your head, understand your objectives, and find what the great sites and other designers are focussing on right now. Put your own slant on them, add in your own ideas, and you will have an inspirational site quicker than you ever imagined.

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