Twitter is now getting ready to offer verified account to everyone. Therefore it means that Blue checkmark will be available to all the verified users. You may know that Twitter was offering this service to public figures, celebrities, politicians and journalists before. It was also available for brands and some famous companies. However Twitter has now decided to offer this service to everyone which is a big change in this platform.
Currently the figure of verified account is surprising for everyone. There are more than 320 million active users in a month whereas the verified accounts are just 1,87,000 only. There is a big gap here if we check the overall data. However all these things are set to0 change now. If you are looking for a verified account then you can simply fill the form and submit your application. Twitter will check your request. If they find that many people are interested to check your profile regularly then you can get the Blue checkmark. So now your account also become a verified Twitter account with a simple process. Company said that they are looking to make the things simple for everyone. The creators and influencers can get more audience through this process. Furthermore it will be easy for all the users to follow the accounts of their choice. The overall exercise is going to make the things better for Twitter users.
Twitter started offering verified accounts in 2009. It is helping people to follow genuine accounts. You may have noticed many Twitter accounts of celebrities, brands, companies, and different business with a Blue checkmark close to their usernames. This helps people to identify the right person or business and they can follow the right account. This new system will help genuine users to get more followers. Moreover people can stay in touch with the correct profiles. There are some standards mentioned by Twitter to get the verified account. Company wants to make sure that people are using their platform for all the right reasons. There are some procedures which a user has to follow. It will help company to keep unwanted actors away from the new features. Twitter is interested to help people to stay connected with the right people and businesses. This new feature will be well-liked by most of the people in coming days. Stay tuned for more updates on Twitter in coming times.