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Tag Archives: ios 9 jailbreak

iOS 9 & 9.0.2 Jailbreak released for iPhone 5s, iPhone 6s, iPad, 6s Plus and more

A few months back, Apple rolled out iOS 9 firmware update to all supported devices. The 9th generation OS hit the market with Apple 6S and 6S plus. On the other end, Some rumors also suggest an upcoming iPhone 7 features. As soon as a firmware upgrade reached supportive devices, the company closed sign up windows of previous version. After ...

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iOS 8.4.1 Jailbreak source code is now available on Github

Apple has made iOS 9 much more secure, which find very difficult to jailbreak or downgrade to former version. Zerodium security announced a million dollar bounty for the group or individual, who exploit iOS 9 operating system. According to the official press release, operating system like iOS that can be vulnerable or exploited by anyone. To make some changes and enhancement in ...

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iOS 9 or 9.0.1 iPhone and iPad Jailbreak revealed: shows custom logo, code injection and verbose boot

Apple had introduced iOS 9 OS with iPhone 6S and iPhone 6 Plus. Later on, they rolled out a new firmware update for all preceding devices. It’s a great move for the Smartphones that are powered by iOS 8.4 and 8.4.1 operating system. If you are still in older version, update your device to the latest version iOS 9 (GM) ...

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