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12 Top Social Bookmarking Plugins for Social Sharing

12 Top Social Bookmarking Plugins for Social Sharing

Sorry for not writing for so Long. Actually I was on a tour and did not got time to update my Blog. But now I have managed to write one Post.

Writing the Good Article is really needed for every Blog, but that’s not enough. You cant get huge visits by just writing posts. You also have to promote it. Social Media is the best place to promote your written posts. It can bring huge visits to your Blog, your work is to just go viral with promotion. Do every Possible method to promote and Attract Traffic.

If you are on WordPress, you can try Social Media Plugins in your Blog. These plugins will be very helpfull for your Readers to share any of your Posts, within Social Media. It is like a must have plugin for every wordpress blog.

I have created a List of 12 Social Bookmarking Plugins which can easily promote your posts in Social Media. So can Select your Best Plugin from this list and can Install in your Blog to get more visits from Social World.

1. Sharebar

Sharebar adds a dynamic and fully customizable vertical box to the left of a blog post that contains links/buttons to popular social networking sites. For wide blogs, a vertical bar with popular sharing icons appears on the left of your post.

2. Share and Follow

Add Share Icons, Follow Links, Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet and other buttons on your site in the way you want. Simple & adapatable social network.

3. Social Grid

SocialGrid is a simple widget that makes it easy to add and organize links to your various profiles on the internet. SocialGrid currently supports the following services: Brightkite, Delicious, deviantART, Digg, Dopplr, Ember, Facebook, Flickr, Friendfeed, Google Profile, Last.fm, LinkedIn, MySpace, Picasa Web, Posterous, Qik, Readernaut, Reddit, RSS, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter, Technorati, Viddler, Vimeo, Virb, and YouTube!

4. Add To This

This plugin is for bookmarking your post into stumble,technorati, digg and delicious. You have to do nothing but just activate the plugin. It automatically add the bookmarking options just below to your posts.

5. Get Social

GetSocial adds a lightweight and intelligent floating social media sharing box on your blog posts.

6. Follow Me

For people who have more than one social media profile, Follow Me allows you to display links to all your social media profiles in one, easy-to-access button.

7. Sociable

Automatically add links on your posts, pages and RSS feed to your favorite social bookmarking sites.

8. Bookmarkify

The Social Media Marketing Plugin that lets you put social bookmarking links in your posts and other pages.

9. Tell A Friend

Adds a tell a friend, Share/Bookmark/Email/Social Bookmarking button in a widget position. The service which is used is freetellafriend.com which supports e-mail address book, social bookmarks and favorites.

10. Light Social

This is a super lightweight plugin to insert a set of social share links at the bottom of each post, focused on technical blogs. With this plugin you have simple options to configure. Simply enable or disable to show or not the bookmark social links.

11. Knxdt Bookmarks

KnxDT Bookmarks is a WordPress plugin that allows you insert social bookmarking service buttons at the end your posts.

12. Sexy Bookmarks

Adds an attractive social bookmarking menu to your posts, pages, index, or any combination of the three.

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