A few reports were leaked two days ago that Apple was looking to bring the red edition of iPhone8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Now it has been confirmed by the Cupertino based company. Apple is going to bring the red edition of iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. There is no report for iPhone X in red colour but a new leather case will be available for this gadget. So if you want the newest iPhone model in a different colour then you can certainly purchase it now. It will soon be available in the market.
You may also know that Apple brought iPhone7 and iPhone7 Plus in red colour. This time also the company has decided to bring their newest model in a different way. Many people want iPhone in new colours but Apple takes their own time to bring their unique models. It is a known fact that they hardly offer their main models in different colours. Now Apple is changing its strategy slowly and steadily. The demand of the market is changing with time. Therefore it seems that Apple is now changing their plans accordingly. The appearance of the Red iPhone8 and iPhone8 Plus is catchy.
The glass enclosure of the two models is grabbing the eyeballs. The front section is black and it is sleek. The online orders of these models are going to start from tomorrow in select countries. You can also get these models through offline stores from Friday. The starting price will be $699 only and you can get 64GB and 256GB gadgets. It is vital to inform you that the availability of this specific edition will vary according to the regions. Most of the regions will receive this model by the end of this month, while others will receive it next month.
Apple is also offering a new leather case for iPhone X. The colour is red and the sale will start from Tuesday. Makers have used the top quality European leather to design this case. Therefore the RED category is going to be expanded with these products. Check these products soon if you are looking to purchase a new iPhone model in coming weeks. Apple does not like to compromise on the quality of the products. Therefore we can say that these new products will surely offer you the thing which you expect from an iPhone.