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Facebook Clickable Hashtag, Are You Ready to Use It?

Facebook Clickable Hashtag

There were a lot of  talks about including the famous clickable #Hashtag into Facebook posts. So get ready to put the # symbol onto your Facebook posts. Because the company is now starting the long awaited Facebook clickable hashtag service for its users.

Facebook Hashtag

What Facebook Clickable Hashtag do

The hashtag let you include the # symbol into your post or status update on Facebook which makes it clickable and by clicking onto it you are now able to the see the stories updated with same phrase. For example #ladygaga or #GalaxyS4.  By introducing the Hashtag service by the Facebook, it will be now easier to find what other people saying regarding the specific topics and events.

According to a Facebook Spokesperson, “Hastags are already happening across Facebook, but now they will be clickable and it will pop out a hashtag feed.”

The Facebook clickable hashtag is a good move by the company. From this service a Facebook user can also search for specific hashtag in the search bar. The # sign is familiar to all of us because Twitter is using it for the last six years, but now it comes to the Social Network with billion plus users, The Facebook.

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