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The first living robot was built by US scientists

For the first time, scientists in the US have created living robots. This robot could be categorized as being alive. They’re also called the Xenobot. A group of scientists have succeeded in using living cells of frog embryos as new life forms. This robot is described as a living, programmable organism.

This newly created robot is also named Xenobots. It may be used in the field of medical science. They can also help, through robots, carry the medicine inside the patient’s body or perform other similar tasks. Joshua Bongard, a computer scientist and robotics scientist at Vermot University, said, “These are living machines that can help in the direction of new research. They can’t be classified as traditional robots. Nor can they be called a part of any kind of animal. These are programmable living creatures.

Michael Levine, who headed the Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology at Tufts, also described it as a special experiment. He said he could develop creatures that could be used to collect microplastics in the ocean. Or it can help in the treatment of human nerves. The results of this new research were published in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on 13 January.

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