The Japanese technology brand Sony has launched a new device in its Walkman series, bringing this legendary device with a touch screen for the first time. The new NW-A105 model has been launched in India and users will have a 3.6-inch touch screen HD display on this device. The price of the latest Walkman has been set at Rs 23,990. This device will operate on the Android 9 Pie operating system and has been released in only one black color option. Sony’s new Walkman will be available at all Sony centers and out – of-line retail stores nationwide as of January 22. You’re also going to be able to purchase it on the famous e-commerce platform. The company says consumers will have 26 hours of battery life on the Sony NW-A105 Walkman. This audio system has 4 GB of RAM and 16 GB of onboard storage, which can be expanded to 128 GB with the aid of a microSD card. It also supports Google Drive, so there’s no need to think about data.
Bluetooth and NFC Connectivity:
The USB Type-C port was included in the new Walkman connectivity model. Sony said that the device supports high-resolution audio, allowing users to listen to their favorite music in better studio quality than CD quality. The new Walkman also has Wi-Fi access, so users can download music from it. It also has connectivity options, such as Bluetooth and NFC. The company said that with its support, streaming content can be done easily through Bluetooth connection and will be of better quality.
Special Digital Amplifier:
The new Walkman DSD audio format supports up to 11.2MHz and offers high-quality PCM resolution. This device has a digital S-Master HX amplifier. The device weighs 103 grams and, with this help, users will be able to hear high-resolution audio without any noise or distortion. Sony has not provided any information on the battery capacity, but has been provided with fast charging support, and the device also has a universal 3.5 mm headphone jack. Let us know, the company has launched this device specifically for music lovers on the market.