Two decades ago, the small image character has become so popular in the messaging services. They were named as ’emoji’ in the Oxford Dictionary. If you are addicted to the messaging application, these emoji will definitely make your job easier to share your feeling or moments.
According to Oxford Dictionary, “small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication is called as emoji”
Emojis are found everywhere, it is now available on most of the mobile application and social network. Even if your English is so bad, The small digital image makes it easier to compose the message. Just select the emoji and tap on send button. The recipient can understand your replies or topic you are talking about.
Apple iOS 9.1 operating system brought new emoji to all iPhone and iPad users. On the other end, Hiroshi Lockheimer (Google Android SVP) planning to roll out a minor update to Marshmallow phone users that caries new emoji characters.
It’s not surprising or Christmas gift, many users requested for new emojis and developers are on the new emojis-said Hiroshi Lockheimer. We can expect the minor update within 2-3 weeks.
So I have a feeling y’all want new emojis? a) Thanks for the feedback, b) We’re on it, and c) Sorry!
— Hiroshi Lockheimer (@lockheimer) October 23, 2015
Last week, Cupertino giant new firmware update brought bug fixes and new emojis. Some cool stuff like taco, dollar signs, dollar tongue zipped-lips character, a crab, pack of popcorn and other turkish emojis.
Engadget reports, the launch of new digital character in Apple iOS turned an Android operating system to a “bummer”. Android users were lack of new emojis, but not for long days. There is no news about the new firmware release date. We can expect a new set of digital character in the Android phones in the coming weeks.